Austin Constellations Circle

Systemic Family Constellations Circles
In person in Austin
Each Sunday Constellation Circle participant is invited to trust their own movements, and reveal what is ready to come to the light. Together, we move beyond judgement, and beyond the fear of how others might judge us. We open for an acceptance of other people as they are, ourselves as we are, everything as it is and our life, as it was given to us. Led by forces beyond us, movements of the spirit (Bert Hellinger), we are taken along into another consciousness and into a life without devaluation and exclusion. A strong, healing energy field opens and movements towards all that supports love and life is possible. Love can flow freely and help us gain more clarity, regain strength and support us in taking steps towards a happier, more successful, healthy and fulfilled life.At the heart of Family Constellations Circles are two main tenets:1) Acknowledging what is: Uncovering the beliefs is the first pivotal step towards change.2) Bringing forth radical inclusion: Acknowleging those ancestors long forgotten or cast out, restoring them to their rightful place, releasing descendants from entanglement, resulting in true freedom, resolution while gaining a fresh life perspective.

Candyce's BIO
,Candyce is the founder of Austin Constellations Circle, offering in-person individual and group circles utilizing the Systemic Family Constellations practice, founded by Bert Hellinger. Since 2020, Candyce has engaged in Constellations study and coursework with master teachers and trainers, including Suzi Tucker, Leslie Nipps, Bertold Ulsamer, Shavasti, Francesca Mason Boring, Katherine Q Revior, Dr Logan Sparks and Sarah Peyton, Susanne Hazen and others.