Intuitive & Crystal Light Table session
A dynamic combination of spirit conversation and metaphysical healing.
Service Description
For a complete and deep reconciliation, transformation and integration, this premiere talk and table session is the most requested. Please call/text Candyce 512.439.9542 to book. Intuitive guidance : Following an energy evaluation, clearing and grounding, I attune to and flow into an intuitive conversation with your highest order spiritual guidance, ancestors, passed friends, family and master teachers. The goal is to illuminate issues, identify sources of conflict and strengths, hear from loved ones, and be open to what comes. All is blessed and delivered with authentic clarity and often, great humor. This session can be easily recorded on your smartphone. Energetic healing: Then we head to the Forsyth Crystal Light Table, a specialized massage table inlaid with a powerful magnetic grid. Rich, chromatic LED lighting is beamed thru a powerful Vogel cut lavender crystal, set directly at the crown chakra. Accompanying sounds/vibrations are intuitively chosen, ranging from vibrational tones, Tibetan bells, crystal bowls for tuned for chakra cleansing, choral music to contemporary orchestral composition. Following the session, integration of the energies may take days to months to complete. Follow the protocol for self care outlined in Session Preparation and After Care found here: https://www.candycelucienrusk.com/

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